
The Configuration File

Spark apps all require a config file to run.

In development mode, there's a config file at public/config that your app fetches during loading.

Production apps will check the configs directory of the jcu-webapps-config repository for a config file. You should update this repo with your app's production config before deploying your app in production.

The config file is JSON contains a single object. It looks like JSON normally does:

    "config_version": "1.0.0",
    "configuration": {
        "authentication": {
            "client_id": "room-viewer",
            "post_logout_redirect_uri": "/loggedout"
        "appearance": {
            "theme": "jcu"
        "environment": {
            "type": "test",
            "name": "UAT Environment",
            "description": "This is not a production system; information displayed in this environment should not be considered valid. Please use the [current live system](https://www.jcu.edu.au/) unless testing this application version."

The tables below split the config data into functional sections. Each section's heading includes the key name, its valid values, the default value if the key isn't supplied (or if the key is required), and the SPARK versions that the key is operational in.

Top level keys in the configuration file

Key Values Default Versions Description
config_version 1.0.0 required all This is the version of the config data object itself, and it has always been 1.0.0
configuration data object required all Contains all the config


Keys in configuration.authentication address OIDC config.

Keys Values Default Versions Description
client_id string required all Your app's OIDC client id, usually a kebab-case string that matches your git repo name and URL path e.g. room-viewer
post_logout_redirect_uri URL path none all "/loggedout"

TODO add all the other settings; in the meantime refer to (https://git.jcu.edu.au/bitbucket/projects/WEBLIB/repos/jcu-webapp/browse/src/services/AxaOidcProvider.tsx#7,71) for all the rest of the fun settings you can tweak.


Keys in configuration.appearance control the visual appearance of the app.

Key Values Default Versions Description
theme jcu or sith jcu all The theme to apply to your app. Generally just use jcu; the sith theme is used in the profile application because it matches Forgerock's look&feel.


Keys in configuration.environment determine the environment (production or otherwise) this app is considered to be "in". Many of these fields show up in default headers as part of the JcuEnvironmentBanner.

Key Values Default Versions Description
type prod, test, uat, or some other string none all The environment type. Use prod for production, test and uat where they make sense; aside from prod == production, it's also okay to make something up if those conventions aren't useful.
name string none all The human-readable name for the environment. Use Title Case.
description Markdown none all The human-readable description of this environment and what it means to the user.


Keys in configuration.support describe the mechanisms users of this application can get help.

Key Values Default Versions Description
name string all the human-readable name of the group or individual responsible for support. Use uncapitalised "the" in front of group names, e.g. "the IT Helpdesk".
email email all email contact for the supporting entity
phone phone number (string) all phone contact for the supporting entity


The array at configuration.apis includes configuration for all the API Interfaces used by the app.

Key Values Default Versions Description
[n].name string all The name for your API Interface, usually in kebab-case. This needs to match your ApiInterface.interfaceName
[n].url URL string all The base URL for your API Interface
[n].version string all API Interface version (almost always "1")
[n].options {object} all TODO


The structure under configuration.header determines links in the (optionally displayed) header.

Key Values Default Versions Description
header `` all TODO


The structure under configuration.footer determines links in the (optionally displayed) footer.

Key Values Default Versions Description
footer `` all TODO


Keys under configuration.application configure behaviour of the application.

Key Values Default Versions Description
open ISO-8601 date string none 2.5+ Before this date, the application will display a "not open yet" page (see JcuApp's openPage prop) rather than the usual content
close ISO-8601 date string none 2.5+ After this date, the application will display a "closed" page (see JcuApp's closePage prop) rather than the usual content
embedded always, auto, or never 3.2+ Define if and when this application should act as an "embedded" app, which mostly means most of the headers and footers get turned off. never is the default and means no special handling; always means always use an embedded layout that has minimal headers and footers; auto will attempt to detect if the app in loaded in a frame or iframe, and use embedded layout in those cases. Refer to the useEmbedded hook for how to adapt your own layouts to being embedded

Dates for open and close assume a +10 timezone if none is specified. For more detail about how open and close dates are handled, see the DisplayWhen docs covering date/times.